Nama : Dionisius Hendry Gunawan
Nim : 2015120090
Prodi : Manajemen
Toeri Ekonomi Makro(Macro
Macroeconomic or macro-economics
is the study of the overall economy. Macro-economics to explain the economic
changes that affect many masyakarakat, company, and market. Macroeconomics can
be used to analyze the best way to influence the targets of wisdom such as
economic growth, price stability, employment and the achievement of sustainable
balance sheet. Although macroeconomic an area of broad learning, there are two
areas of research that characterizes this discipline: activities to learn about
the causes and effects of the fluctuations in state revenue short term
(business cycles), and activities to learn the determining factor of long term
economic growth (increase National income).
National output is the total
value of all the country's production at the authorized period. All are
manufactured and sold generating revenue. Therefore, the output and income is
usually considered to be similar and the two terms are often used alternately
turns. Output can be measured as the sum of income, or, can be seen in terms of
production and is measured as the total value of final goods and services or it
could be from the sum of all value added in the country.
Macro economic output is usually
measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or one of the national accounts.
Economists interested in the rise in long-term outcome will study economic
growth. Advances in technology, machinery and other capital accumulation, as
well as better education and human capital will all lead to greater economic
output in the course of time. However, the output does not always go up
consistently. The business cycle can lead to a decrease in short-term output is
called a recession. Economists are looking macroeconomic policy could prevent
the economy plunged into recession and could eventually spur long-term growth
more quickly.
A diagram using data from the US
shows the relationship between economic growth and unemployment expressed by
Okun's Law. These relationships demonstrate cyclical unemployment. Economic
growth leads to a lower unemployment rate.
The number of unemployed in an
economy is measured by the unemployment rate, ie the percentage of workers
without jobs who are in the labor force. Just enter the labor force of workers
who actively seek work. Retired people, pursuing education or who do not have
the support for a job because the lack of employment prospects, it is not
included in the labor force.
Unemployment itself can be
divided into several types that are all related to the causes were different.
Classical unemployment occurs when the employee's salary is too high so that
employers do not dare to hire more staff, more than the existing ones. Salary
could be too high because of the minimum wage or their trade union activities.
Similarly, the classical unemployment, frictional unemployment occurs when
there are jobs for workers but causing their time to look for the period during
which the worker becomes unemployed. [3]
Structural unemployment includes
several types of causes of unemployment including incompatibility between the
worker's ability and capability sought by the existing work. [4] The massive
unemployment can happen when an industry in transition economies and the
ability of workers become unused. Structural unemployment was also quite
similar to the frictional unemployment because both dwell on the problems of
incompatibility of the ability of workers with jobs, but different because of
structural unemployment includes also a need to increase the ability of self,
not just short-term search process. [5]
Although there are several types
of unemployment there is always something going however kedaaan economy at that
time, unemployment siklikan occur when economic growth became stagnant. Okun's
Law shows the empirical relationship between unemployment and economic growth.
[6] The original version of Okun's law states that a 3% increase in economic
output will lead to a 1% decrease in unemployment.
Inflasi dan Deflasi
Kenaikan harga umum disebuah
ekonomi disebut dengan inflasi. Ketika harga menurun, maka terjadi deflasi. Ekonom
mengukur perubahan harga ini menggunakan indeks harga. Inflasi bisa
terjadi ketika suhu ekonomi menjadi terlalu panas dan tumbuh terlalu cepat.
Mirip dengan ini, ekonomi yang merosot bisa mengakibatkan deflasi.
Sentral yang mengatur ketersediaan uang suatu negara, selalu mencoba
menghindari adanya perubahan tingkat harga menggunakan kebijakan
moneter. Dengan menaikan tingkat suku bunga atau menurunkan ketersediaan
uang di dalam sebuah ekonomi akan menurunkan inflasi. Inflasi bisa
mengakibatkan bertambahnya ketidakpastian dan konsekuensi negatif lainnya.
Deflasi bisa menurunkan keluaran ekonomi. Bank sentral akan mengusahakan
stabilnya harga untuk melindungi ekonomi dari akibat negatif atas fluktuasi
Perubahan di tingkat harga bisa
disebabkan oleh berbagai macam faktor. Teori kuantitas uang menyatakan
bahwa pergerakan tingkat harga itu berhubungan langsung dengan penawaran uang. Fluktuasi
jangka pendek bisa juga berhubungan dengan faktor moneter, tetapi perubahan
pada permintaan agregat dan penawaran agregat bisa juga mempengaruhi tingkat
harga. Contohnya, penurunan di permintaan karena adanya resesi bisa
mengakibatkan indeks harga yang rendah dan deflasi. Syok penawaran negatif,
seperti krisis minyak, akan menurunkan penawaran agregat dan menyebabkan
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